Welcome to

MDM Recruiting

Hello, my name is Marc David McRoberts, and I connect people at MDM Recruiting, a dynamic and innovative firm focused on Accounting, Finance, and IT recruiting.  Having worked in both the professional and corporate world for almost 10 years before beginning my recruiting career, I have seen both the candidate and client sides of successful and unsuccessful recruiting/staffing practices.  Recruiting is first and foremost networking, and proactively talking to people with a genuine interest in meeting their mutual needs and objectives. 

Marc McRoberts

Why work with MDM Recruiting?

For starters, I’m not looking to build up a company database of client and candidates, go on five client meetings per week, or interview fifteen candidates per week. It’s not a “quick” transaction for me or about the number of activities I complete within a week. Recruiting is about long-term, quality relationships that become stronger over years of working together with the same goal in mind. 

My number one goal is to help companies identify the best possible talent available, while assisting people to achieve their career dreams.  When companies hire me, I want them to know I am not going to just recruit on my own, but rather I will network to find the best available and interested people for the job. When job seekers work with me, they need to understand I am not looking to simply “place” them anywhere; I seek to understand exactly what they are looking for and how I can help them achieve their goals and objectives.


Direct Line

(262) 893-1523

Email Address

[email protected]


MDM Recruiting is a dynamic and innovative Recruiting Firm focused on Accounting, Finance, and IT recruiting.